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Sunday, August 22, 2010


For the past three months, my husband has continued to say that our son knows "about 10-15 words," which was the count at 15 months.  I realized that I needed to provide an update; otherwise, my son will be stuck at "about 10-15 words" for years.

Here is what I wrote at 15 months.  Top words : Mama, Uh-oh, Dada, hot-hot-hot, banana-na, off, up, clock (for clock and watches), woof (for not just dog, but any animal), bubble, ball, box and possibly the words "I don't know."  He understands a lot more, such as "No!," which he hears a lot and simple directions such as "pick up that toy" or "turn on the tv." 

Update (at 18 months)

In addition to  1. Mama, 2. Dada, 3. hot, 4. Uh-oh, 5. banana, 6. off, 7. up, 8. clock, 9. woof, 10. bubble, 11. ball, 12. box

13.  clap (claps hands while saying)
14.  ice
15.  baba (for baby and in reference to his younger cousin)
16.  vroom vroom (for car)
17.  beep-beep
18.  night night
19.  No
20.  hat
21.  apple
22.  diaper
23.  wallet
24.  heavy
25.  whoops
26.  Ba (for his maternal grandmother)
27.  his playmate Alex's name
28.  his cousin B's name
29.  his nanny Monica's name
30.  the sentence "I love you"
31.  car
32.  door
33.  brella (for umbrella)
34.  Papa (for his father)
35.  eyes
36.  one-two-three
37.  A-E-I-O-U
38.  book
39.  wawa (for water)
40.  wow
41.  cloud
42.  "lights on"
43.  tree
44.  dance
45.  ear
46.  yes

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